4 sept 2012

♥♥SHOES ♥♥

HOLA! para hoy les prepare los que para mi son los zapatos basicos que tiene que tener cualquier amante de la moda, y la verdad es que aparte de bellos existen en muchos colores y sabores... o bueno creo que sabores aun no pero lo tomare en cuenta, bueno pues aqui les dejo mi lista de los 10 mejores accesibles bonitos y basicos zapatos.

HELLO! Today I prepare for you the shoes are basic have to have any fashion lover, and the truth is that apart from beautiful there in many colors and flavors ... I think it tastes good or not yet but I'll take it into account, well,  here I leave my list of the top 10 beautiful and accessible basic shoes.

 1- jefrey campbell boots
2- studded slipers
3- military boots
4- basic flats
5- glitter heels
6- nude pumps
7- block heel
8- animal print heels
9- basic oxfords
10- jefrey campbell

1 comentario:

  1. I love oxfords - they are definitely a staple because they're just as cute as heels but a bazillion times comfier to walk around in.

